Friday, April 4, 2014

Carr students

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Students going on the trip.
Matthew Chavez
Enrique Gomez
Jeanette Sosa
Yared Macuil
Sergio Santoyo
Kimberly Murillo
Angela Hernandez
Sofie De La Cruz
Briyena Tovar
Samantha Castrejon
Jessica Lopez
Surisarahi Berruto
Jocelyn Sanchez
Karol Bernabe
Alejandra Roldan
Esmeralda Velazquez


  1. You are all going to have so much fun on this trip! I am so jealous since I haven't been to New York or DC since I was much younger than all of you are. Have a slice of New York pizza for me and take lots of pictures. See you when you get back! -Mr. Jack

  2. Mr. Terich's Travel Advice

    1. When looking for a public restroom, try to find a coffee shop (they are usually the cleanest option).

    2. Every morning put all the soap, shampoo, sewing kits, pens, notepads, etc. from your hotel room in your bag before the housekeeper comes & they will give you new stuff every time.

    3. While on the airplane, ask for the can when they come by with the sodas so you don't get stuck with a 1/2 cup of soda & melted ice.

    4. If you see anyone famous, walk in front of them, stop, & pretend you are holding your phone up looking for cell reception, then take a quick selfie with the celeb in the background.

    5. Ask yourself in every situation while you are travel WWMTD? What Would Mr. Terich Do?

    Finally, if you see Obama, tell him I said, "Wassup?!"

    Have a GREAT time & I CANNOT wait to see all your pics & hear all your stories when you get back! Take good care of Mr. Gonzales & Mr. Amosa, I could not go on if anything happened to them.


    Mr. T
